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Today I am talking about power and the divine feminine energy that inspired me to create Fix My Crown.

There was a point in time during my early days of motherhood when I looked around me and truly felt the power of every woman co-existing alongside me in my life journey.

My eyes were truly opened to the nurturing love, care, support and solidarity that women share, not just with each other but with their children, partners, family members and beyond.

It was then that I realised we are all Queens..... but the sad reality is that not too many of us know this because we're competing in a world in which the masculine energy reigns supreme.

I intend Fix My Crown to be an online space for shopping but also a space that inspires and enriches women's lives mentally, physically and spiritually by sharing a journal packed full of advice and information.

This is my journey and I fully welcome anyone coming along and sharing it with me.

'A true goddess is a woman who is in full realization and expression of her divine feminine essence.' @rachelrossitto